Monday, January 14, 2013

Consider the Clouds #3. Clouds and the Crucifixion.

Cloud #3.              

The Cloud and the Crucifixion

When Jesus quoted the prophet Daniel about clouds Jesus sealed His fate. The man of Nazareth not only agreed with Daniel’s vision, He applied it to Himself. Daniel 7:13-14: ‘In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. He was given authority, glory and sovereign power, all peoples, nations and men of every language worshipped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.’

The Jewish Sanhedrin knew this was a Messianic prophesy. They charged Jesus with blasphemy which was a death sentence. Jesus was under oath. He revealed Himself as the promised One. Linking Himself with the clouds and His claim to be the Son of God was too much for the authorities. He had to die. The occupying power, Rome had to be brought alongside as it had the sole authority for implementing the death sentence. So Pilate comes onto the scene. Against his will Pilate bows to their pressure and Jesus is crucified.

There are many aspects to Christ’s crucifixion including this statement under oath. If He was deluded, lying or telling the truth the tomb would hold the answer. If Jesus remained in the tomb (and would be there still) he was a false teacher, a liar. Therefore the testimony of His resurrection would verify His testimony given under oath (plus many, many other matters concerning the cross). The Easter message still echoes “Why seek ye the living among the dead. He (Jesus) is not here. He is risen!”

The authorities and enemies of Jesus had from A.D. 33-70 to prove it untrue. This would have been simple – show would be followers the tomb sealed and unopened. They couldn’t. After AD 70 Jerusalem was demolished by the Romans. Now the message continues to rest upon the recorded facts. The authority for believing the resurrection is solid. Check it out.
Jesus ascended to and now reigns in glory. I wonder if He is preparing the clouds for His return?

Ray (humbled by the cross) Hawkins

Next week – When the clouds took Jesus home

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