
Fourth in the Warrior Lord series, this 31 day devotional leads us to an appreciation of the wonder associated with Christ's return.

As our world becomes more chaotic, confusing and being on the edge of catastrophe, these devotions offer Biblical insights birthing hope. History's climax has been outlined. We see the scenarios taking shape. Knowing Christ's return in Triumph as the Warrior Lord and King breathes peace into our soul.

Daily themes such as 'When God Sings Solo' gives us a sense of His joy for His people. Another insight is 'Heaven's Hallelujah chorus' highlight the music and songs in Revelation.

R.R.P is $11:95 (Aus.) paper back. Ebook price to be determined
Available in Christians books such as Amazon in Australia and overseas countries.

Obtain a copy from Ray and Mary Hawkins,

Hebrews 4:12 tells us that God's Word is sharper than any two-edged sword. As you read this 31 day Devotional Meditation you will appreciate what the bible says about itself.

It shares with us God's breath is in print. How it has eternity  woven in it and that what it reveals cannot be broken. This devotional will build your confidence in the integrity and inspiration of the Scriptures. You will be motivated to read the Bible and see/hear what it says to you. Your faith will be strengthened and your hope made brighter as you realise the unchanging truth of God's Word.

Cost $11:95 in Christian bookshops on Ebooks and in Australia direct from the author.

This is a book of love poems I've written to my wife as we celebrate fifty years of married life and Christian ministry. It was published by Even Before Publishing in March 2014.

It is available direct from the author.
Cost: $10 p.p.

 All books are available from the author.  Cost and payment details (including by PayPal) are available on the contact page of Mary's website

Dynamic Ageing
31 Biblical Devotions to meditate on for a satisfying and purposeful life.
Discover how to make the ageing experience an adventure.
Join the Lord's plan for ageing dynamically.
Understand why God's seniors are priceless.
God's grace for dynamic ageing more than compensates for physical limitations.
(RRP AU$10.00)

These devotional meditations are ‘Signposts’ for travellers engaged in the journey of life. It doesn’t matter if you’ve stuck to the main street, taken a few detours down its side tracks or even got lost in the outback. These directions for happiness come from God’s Word.
(RRP AU$10.00)

Unwrap God's Christmas gift to you through these devotional meditations. They will introduce you to the warrior child, who is much more than a sweet baby in a manger nativity scene. Gain a deeper understanding of Christ Jesus as Heaven's warrior as He conquers sin, death and Satan on our behalf.

(RRP AU$10.00)

Captured by Calvary
31 Biblical Devotions to meditate on the cross - God's glory
Be captured by the wisdom, power, grace and wonder of Calvary.These devotional meditations take you to the heart of the Gospel. They will fill you with awe of God.
They will cause you to bow before the Lord in adoration.

ISBN: 978-1-922074-00-3   (RRP AU$10.00)

Children: God's Special Interest
31 Biblical devotionals to meditate on God's heart for children
Ray Hawkins has a heart for children. In these devotions he quotes scripture and helps us really meditate on God's heart for children.

Rediscover God's word about children.
Refresh your heart with God's love for children.
Rekindle passion to be their example for Christ honour.
Reflect on God's special interest

ISBN 9781921633355 (RRP AU$10.00)

From Eden with Love  
31 Biblical devotionals to meditate on God's heart for marriage
Be taken on a tour of the majesty of marriage and discover the heavenly mystery underpinning the meaning of the Christian marriage. Become aware of what God's manual on relationships has to say on this most intimate of all relationships.

Understand why marriage was designed by God to be between a man and a woman

ISBN 9781921633416  (RRP AU$10.00)

The Neurotic Rooster and other Devotional insights from an African short term mission experience.

All proceeds from the sale of this book (less postage) goes to support Eagles Wings Children's Centre - a ministry to street children in Northern Zambia.

The ultimate aim is three-fold:
  • to raise money for very needy kids;
  • to inspire others to catch the dream of Eagles Wings; and
  • to enrich our own personal walk with God through each Devotion. 
This book was only available direct from Ray Hawkins (now out of stock) Cost : AU $7.00 ( includes postage and package in Australia only.)  Besides from good bookshops, our books can be purchased directly from us.

All other books available from Even Before Publishing, Christian bookshops and autographed copies from Ray. For postage cost and details for sales outside Australia, please email Ray.You can obtain the first four books from Amazon or the publisher either in print or as an Ebook.